4 Mistakes That Discourage Clients In Your LinkedIn Summary

Fadayomi Stephen
4 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

Dear freelance writers, rejection isn’t always about your writing skills or qualifications

One important aspect most writers overlook is their LinkedIn summary.

They say "First impression matters."

Your LinkedIn summary is often the first thing a client sees before reaching out for potential work. It’s your chance to showcase your skills and expertise as if you’re advertising yourself.

It is one of the most important parts of your profile, as it gives people a quick overview of who you are, what you do, and what you can offer.

A well-written summary can make a big difference in how people perceive you and how they decide to engage and connect with your profile

According to a study by Jobvite, LinkedIn users with a professionally written summary are 27% more likely to be viewed by recruiters.

Additionally, a LinkedIn survey found that a complete profile is 40x more likely to receive job opportunities. These statistics show the importance of having a great LinkedIn profile summary

My dad always joked that lack of information should be treated like any other illness – headache, malaria, you name it! It’s amusing, but there’s truth in it.

What worries me is that many writers don’t understand why they keep getting rejected after applying for numerous jobs.

They accept the rejections and keep making the same mistakes, leading to negative thoughts about their writing careers.

Take my friend Tobi, for example. He explained to me how he struggled with rejections on LinkedIn when I got his call one day, and he told me he was tired of writing and looking forward to transitioning into another career.

I was listening to him, and I could see he was really dejected. Something inside me pushed me to ask him if he could show me his LinkedIn profile.

Surprisingly, the only thing on my friend’s summary was “Hey there, I’m a professional copywriter, DM me if you want copies that sell.”

Prior to our discussion, he had applied to over 500 jobs without success. I thought in my mind that he really needed my help before things got sour for him.

I explained to him how to build a “gig landing” LinkedIn summary and showed him examples of professional summaries online.

He was shocked because he never thought that was the reason for his rejections. I remember he told me that he thought he had a spiritual problem, he was on the verge of giving up. But with the right information I gave him, he landed his first gig.

In this piece, I’m going to reveal the same information I shared with him without holding anything back.

Before i continue, if you want to land gigs more frequently, then my post on “ how know how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for writing gigs” is for you.

Click here: https://extrastiv.medium.com/how-to-optimize-your-linkedin-profile-for-writing-jobs-in-just-9-steps-b3a85af6397d

So what did i share with Tayo?

1. Your Entire Life Story

While it’s tempting to share your entire professional journey, resist the urge to turn your summary into a novel.

Don’t spill your whole life story in your summary. Even if you are going to share make it short and concise. It might be tempting to share every detail, but think of it like a recipe: keep it short and sweet.

Try using the PAS method – Problem, Agitation, Solution – to write a mind-blowing summary.

Firsty, talk about the problem your audience has. Then, stir things up a bit by mentioning their pain points. Finally, swoop in as the hero with your solution. This way, your summary stays engaging, interesting and on point.

2. Spelling or Grammatical mistakes

Nothing screams unprofessional louder than spelling or grammatical errors in your LinkedIn summary.

Take the time to proofread your content or use tools like Grammarly to catch any mistakes and blunders.

A polished summary reflects your attention to detail and dedication to excellence.

3. Cheesy or Cliché Language

Steer clear of those cheesy buzzwords in your LinkedIn summary. You know, the ones that everyone uses and don’t really say much. Instead, talk about what you’ve actually done.

For example, replace phrases like “team player” with concrete examples of collaboration or leadership initiatives you’ve spearheaded.

4. Your Resume/CV

While your LinkedIn profile complements your resume, your summary shouldn’t regurgitate your entire CV. Focus on presenting a narrative that adds depth to your professional persona.

Highlight your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments, but leave room for curiosity and further exploration.

I read a piece online. The author said we should think of a LinkedIn summary as a movie trailer, not the whole film. Share the exciting bits about your skills, experiences, and wins, but don’t spill everything.

Leave some mystery for people to want to know more about you. It makes them curious and eager to connect.

Avoiding these mistakes can improve your chances of making a positive impression and landing more opportunities. Remember, less is often more when it comes to making a lasting impression.

Here are some examples of great profile summaries:

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