4 Reasons You Should Read Articles By Other Freelance Writers

Fadayomi Stephen
3 min readJun 2, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

So, let’s say you’re new to freelance writing and trying to figure out how to get better at it.

One of the best things you can do is check out what other freelance writers are doing.

Generally, reading is essential for writers (both professional and beginner)

Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

Here’s why you should make it a habit to read articles written by your fellow freelancers:

💼 Helps to Match Your Tone to Clients

First things first, let’s talk about tone.

Every client you work with will have a different idea of what they want their content to sound like.

Some might prefer a casual, friendly tone, while others might want something more formal and professional.

By reading a variety of writing styles from other freelancers, you can get a better feel for how to adapt your own tone to meet your clients' needs.

Think about it like this: when you see how different writers handle their tone, you can pick up tips and tricks for your own writing.

You’ll start to see patterns and techniques that work well, and you can incorporate those into your own projects.

💼 Discover New Writing Niches

Another big benefit of checking out other freelance writers’ work is discovering new writing niches.

Maybe you’ve been focused on blog posts and social media content, but did you know there’s a whole world of other writing specialties out there?

By exploring other writers’ portfolios, you can find out about different types of writing you might not have considered before.

For example, some writers specialize in creating white papers, which are in-depth reports on specific topics.

Others might focus on SEO writing, crafting content designed to rank well in search engines.

By seeing what’s out there, you might find a new niche that you’re interested in and want to try out.

The more portfolios you look at, the more ideas you’ll get for expanding your own services.

💼 Helps To See Who’s Hiring

Now, let’s talk about clients.

One of the coolest things about visiting other freelance writer websites is seeing the types of companies they’re working with.

Are they writing for SaaS companies, fintech startups, or maybe big Fortune 500 companies? This can give you a lot of insight into the quality of clients you could be working with.

Here’s a tip, though:

Don’t just make a list of these companies and start pitching them right away.

Instead, look at the types of companies these writers are working with and the industries they’re in.

This can give you an idea of where to focus your own efforts and what kinds of clients you might want to target. Are these companies established giants or up-and-coming startups? Knowing this can help you organize your pitches and set your sights on the right clients for your skill level and experience.

💼 Helps To Refine Your Niche

When you spend time looking at other writers’ work, you also get valuable insights into industry trends and potential competition.

This information can help you refine your own writing niche.

Maybe you notice a lot of writers are focusing on tech startups, and you decide to carve out a niche writing for health and wellness companies instead. Or perhaps you see a gap in the market for a specific type of content, like case studies or email marketing campaigns.

Understanding what other writers are doing and who they’re working with can help you find your own unique spot in the freelance writing world. It’s all about finding what makes you stand out and honing in on that.

So, there you have it. Taking the time to explore and learn from other freelance writers is one of the best ways to grow your skills and expand your opportunities.

Check out those portfolios, analyze those styles, and see who your peers are writing for. It’s all part of becoming a better, more versatile freelance writer.

Remember, the more you read and learn, the better you’ll get. So make it a habit to check out what other freelance writers are doing and use that knowledge to boost your own career.

Happy reading, and good luck on your freelance writing journey!

