5 Things To Expect As a New Freelance Writer

Fadayomi Stephen
2 min readMay 22, 2024


Freelance writing is an exciting journey but let me tell you, there are a few things you just can't escape if you are just starting out.

Here are the five big ones;

🎈 Get ready to compete with AI and other writers

Yes, that's right.

AI is not just some futuristic concept. It’s here, and it's competing for the same jobs you want.

Plus, there are tons of other talented writers out there.

You’ll need to find your unique voice and niche to stand out.

🎈 Get ready to get 0-4 job offers from over 300 applications

It sounds harsh, but it's the reality. You might send out hundreds of applications and hear back from just a few.

Persistence is key. Don't get discouraged by the numbers. Keep refining your pitch and portfolio

🎈 Get ready for daily criticism from friends and clients

Not everyone will understand your work, and that's okay.

Clients will give feedback, sometimes harsh, but it's all part of the process.

Friends might not get why you're doing this. Use criticism to improve, not to get you down.

🎈 Get ready to get $10 for a 3-hour job

When starting out, the pay might not be great. You'll find yourself working long hours for little money.

It's tough, but remember, every job is a stepping stone.

As you build your reputation, the pay will improve.

🎈 Get ready for random headaches

Literally and figuratively. Freelance writing can be stressful.

Meeting deadlines, dealing with difficult clients, and balancing multiple projects can take a toll.

Make sure to take care of your health and find ways to manage stress.

Starting as a freelance writer is challenging, no doubt about it. But every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Don’t let the competition, rejection, criticism, low pay, or stress get to you.

Keep pushing forward, keep writing, and keep improving.

Remember, every successful writer started where you are now.

Embrace the journey and keep your eyes on the goal.

Freelancing isn't easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding. Good luck, and keep writing!

