7 Actionable Steps to Finding Your Perfect Writing Niche

Fadayomi Stephen
3 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Choosing the perfect writing niche was one of the hardest things to do when I first started writing.

I wrote about anything that came to mind—medical writing, food writing, travel, technology, lifestyle—you name it.

I was good at everything but not known for anything. It felt like choosing between food and water—we all know that’s not possible, right?

I’m just trying to convey how I felt. Most clients I pitched to always replied with the same line: "We are looking for a subject matter expert."

Ouch!! That hurts.

But the real challenge was finding a niche that I loved, that readers enjoyed, and that could actually make money — - I struggled with this for years.

The struggle is real. You might find a niche you love, but does it have an audience? Is there a market for it? Will it pay the bills?

These questions can keep you up at night.

You might try out a few niches only to find they don’t meet all your criteria. It’s frustrating and disheartening.

It’s not just about writing what you love; it’s about finding that sweet spot where your passion, what people want to read, and making money all come together.

To overcome this challenge, I spent a long time researching.

I read extensively and talked to people who were already successful in their niches. I wanted to understand what made certain topics popular and profitable.

After all that, I made a list of the (top 10 writing niche) that are both popular and can help earn money.

Finding the perfect writing niche that suits you is very important.

When you focus on one thing, people start to notice. They come to you for advice, to read your work, and to learn from your expertise.

Here’s why it matters:

>>> Focusing on one niche helps you build authority and expertise. When you become known for a specific topic, people see you as an expert, which builds trust with your audience.

>>> A focused niche helps attract a dedicated audience. People who are interested in your specific topic will keep coming back for more, which means better engagement.

>>> Choosing the right niche can open up various ways to make money. Whether it’s through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling products, a well-chosen niche can create plenty of monetization opportunities.

Now let’s get down to business.

Here are the proven steps to help you discover your ideal writing niche;

🏷️ Self Reflection

Start by thinking about what really lights a fire in you. What are your hobbies, interests, and areas where you feel like you’re in your element?

Jot down everything that comes to mind.

🏷️ Market Research

Check out popular blogs, websites, and social media trends to see what topics are currently in demand. Twitter is a good place for you to start.

🏷️ Audience Analysis

Figure out who your potential readers are. What do they care about? What issues are they struggling with? It’s like getting to know someone– you want to understand what matters to them and how you can help.

🏷️ Profitability check

Investigate if there are monetization opportunities in your chosen niche. Look for existing products, services, or affiliate programs.

🏷️ Test and Iterate

Start writing and see how your audience responds. Start writing about your chosen topic and see how people react. Pay attention to what they like and don’t like.

I call this “The Trial and Error Law”

Be ready to change things up if you need to. It’s similar to trying out new recipe – you taste it, see what works, and adjust until it’s just right. Simple as ABC.

Finding the right writing niche isn’t just about picking anything randomly. It’s about choosing what you love, what others like too, and what can also make you money.

If you take your time, follow a plan, and stay patient, you can find a niche that both satisfies your creative side and pays the bills.

